Happy Holidays

Morley Holiday Campaign

CLIENT:  Morley Companies

CATEGORIES:  Branding, Campaign, Card Design

Addy Award Winner 2016

E-WISH You Project Overview

The theme of our 2015 holiday greetings was “E-Wish.” We used ASCII art and modern typography to give our designs a technical feel. At every communication touchpoint, we included a strong call to action encouraging viewers to share a wish that resulted in a donation by Morley to Make-A-Wish Foundation®.

We held an online contest encouraging all Morley associates to submit their holiday wishes. This resulted in hundreds of entries that inspired our Marketing & Communications team to showcase individual associates and their wishes in a variety of ways across the campaign. To extend the messaging and reach to our clients, business partners and associates across the globe, we created an integrated campaign combining print, web, video and social media.

My Role

This campaign was a combined effort between another designer and myself as well as a digital/video designer. We collaborated on design ideas and once a direction was chosen we worked on a variety of pieces individually while collaborating on the look and feel and dividing work as necessary. My main roles for this campaign were:

  • Idea sketching, generation, and card mock.
  • Printed card layout and design through the production stage.
  • Holiday photoshoot – We worked with a local photographer, chose our top wishes from our associates and brought them in to photograph and use in both our video and our social media campaign.
  • Social media campaign posts
  • Custom stamp design
  • Outdoor signage layout – end design was combined work between another designer and myself.
  • Caramel box design and caramel wrap design.
  • Early stages of video storyboarding.

The Morley Holiday Card

The traditional print card has a strong tie-in to today’s digital/social media environment by featuring the “E-Wish” die cut with a subtle emboss layer showing a texting/messaging bubble and completing the phrase “We-Wish You.”

The die cut hints to what is inside, which as you open the card shows over a hundred of our associates wishes spread over multiple panels of the card. The message is nestled in the center of the card and directs recipients to continue wishing by visiting our holiday webpage.

The card features die cutting, embossing, as well as a soft touch coating.

Morley Holiday Card

Social Media Holiday Campaign

We shot original photography for Facebook posts featuring many of our associates’ photos and personal wishes. These posts were released from December 5th through January 1st on the Morley facebook page.

Morley Social Media Holiday Campaign

Holiday Caramel Gift

We also incorporated the E-Wish campaign into our holiday gift item by creating individually wrapped caramels with distinct associate wishes. Each caramel in the box features a different associate wish.

The caramels then go into a foil stamped box designed with ASCII art snowflakes that reflects the graphics used on the back of the card and throughout the video and outdoor signage.

Morley Holiday Caramel Gift

Holiday Outdoor Signage

Outdoor signage was used to wish our employees and community members a Happy Holiday as well as direct them to our webpage to keep the wishing going.

Holiday Outdoor Signage

Web and Video

Our printed card, Facebook page and outdoor signage drove viewers to a special webpage to share their holiday wishes. All wishes received scrolled newsfeed-style next to the web form. Also on the webpage was the Morley holiday video. The motion graphics and video we created highlighted even more associate wishes and photos. Video was an excellent medium to show our culture and the great people who work at Morley.

View the Holiday Video

Morley Holiday Card Web Application