Dura Automotive 100 year "Born Electric" history book

Dura Automotive Systems

CLIENT:  Dura Automotive Systems

CATEGORIES:  Branding, Environmental, Research

CMO Marketing Solutions

While working with CMO Marketing Solutions I had the opportunity to complete a variety of projects for DURA Automotive Systems ranging from research to environmental design.

Environmental Design

Working with DURA I had the opportunity to create environmental graphics for them that maintained brand standards and promoted their 100 Years of Innovation Celebration. This includes creating large posters for presentations/booths as well as banners (pictured above) and booth wall graphics.

The debut of their 100 Years of Innovation promotion was at the Paris Motor Show. I worked to develop print pieces such as a welcome sign that features the program for the event as well as table signs that highlight the 100 Year Celebration.

Dura Automotive Systems Environmental Signage

The Paris Motor Show event featured a luncheon and presentation. The program was also printed on the reverse side of the name tags, along with a map of the motor show, which were given to attendees as they arrived.

A table runner was created for DURA to use at events such as the Paris Motor Show. The electric blue is a feature color of the 100 Years of Innovation color palette and would stand out on either a black or white base. Also created were banners to travel for presentations.

Dura Automotive Environmental signs, table, and lanyard

100 Years of Innovation Research

My first project with DURA Automotive Solutions was to research their history for their 100 year anniversary. It was discovered that DURA was a subsidary of the Milburn Wagon Works company which created the Milburn Light Electric vehicles starting in 1916 to 1922. Through research we discovered there were two of these historic cars located within 30 miles and set up a photoshoot with one of the owners to have images to promote the 100 Years of Innovation.

Dura Automotive 100 years of innovation "Born Electric" book
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